
Product Features

Condo Master has a extensive set of Data Management, Operations and Financial Management features.


Data Management

  • Unit & Unit Types info
  • Unit Mass Update - share units, charges amount, etc.
  • Owner & Ownership History info
  • Tenant info
  • Vehicle info
  • Accessory Parcels, Car Parks, etc.
  • Strata Roll
  • Committee List



  • e-Notices
  • Document Library
  • Issues Scoreboard & Issue Logs
  • Allow residents to submit complaints
  • Maintenance Tasks
  • Equipment - Track cost of ownership
  • Meter Reading with charts
  • Purchase Orders
  • Renovations



Our accounting module is:

  • specifically designed to simplify property management accounts
  • fully built-in - not a 3rd party integration
  • Real-time data

Accounts Receivable

  • Billing to unit owners and tenants
  • Batch billing for maintenance charges, sinking fund, utilities, rental, etc.
  • Late Payment Interests calculation
  • Recurring billing and ad-hoc billings
  • Auto knockoff for advance payments
  • Receipts - itemized and auto-match to bill records
  • e-Reminders and Notice of Demand

Accounts Payable

  • Vendors and Expense tracking
  • Payment Vouchers
  • Cheque Printing


  • Collection reports - with real-time data
  • General Ledger, Creditor Ledger, Debtor Ledger
  • Debtor Aging and Creditor Aging
  • Trial Balance
  • Receipts and Payment (R&P) cash flow report - with detail notes
  • P&L Statement and Balance Sheet

And more...

  • Journals
  • Bank Reconciliation
  • Executive Dashboard with Interactive Charts


For owners and tenants

  • Mobile and Tablet Views
  • Owner and Tenant logins - Unlimited and Free
  • Payment Gateway - Fully integrated, end-to-end
  • Statement of Accounts - for owners
  • Download Bills
  • Submit issues and complaints
  • View notices and documents

For committee

  • View all issues
  • View financial reports
  • View debtors
  • View purchase orders
  • View maintenance tasks, meter readings, equipment history